
The collection of books published by Joseph Di Pasquale

Always interested in communicating as well as designing, Joseph Di Pasquale has published over the years numerous books that recount his projects and the deep visions and beliefs that guide his career and creativity.

  • 2017
    • Appunti di Progettazione Architettonica orientati al fare

      Ragionamenti pratici e risposte a domande frequenti per gli studenti del laboratorio di architettura e composizione architettonica 2.

      Arch. Joseph Di Pasquale

    • A City Manifesto

      Architectural saga in six episodes "...this book is a screenplay to tell the story of a trip through an “architectural world” represented by this imaginary city, a “saga” in the architectural cosmogony that has been built during decades of a living professional practice."

      Arch. Joseph Di Pasquale

  • 2015
    • The jade and the plastic

      "You have to know the culture, the history and the traditions of a place, in order to create a real storytelling architecture." Guangzhou circle - AM Project, Joseph Di Pasquale architects.

      Arch. Joseph Di Pasquale, Jenny Jones

    • Lost in Globalization

      Residential construction best expresses the evolution of the Chinese lifestyle over the years and is one of the major problems generated by the new massive Chinese urbanization. The city main structure is easily recognizable: a large sprawl of buildings almost placed without a hierarchical disposition. In the various lots are easily identifiable several patterns. Only with the typologies study can be possible understand the relationship between the various political events, the lifestyles and the form. The contrast in morphology between the different prototypes seem to be a sudden mutation, but actually suggest a gradual housing typological evolution lasting over a century.

      Leonardo Citterio & Arch. Joseph Di Pasquale

    • POP-UP HOTEL REVOLUTION, the architectural innovation about to come in the hotel industry

      WHICH IS MOVING: PEOPLE OR ARCHITECTURE? In an era where nomadism is the keyword that relates people to the rest of the world, architecture is seeking for a concrete response to the recent needs, result of the rise of mobility and worldwide travels. The proposal of new modular structures for the hospitality market defines the tendency to think movable, modular, flexible.

      Arch. Joseph Di Pasquale, Chiara Butta, Paola Zatti

    • Scalable modular architecture

      Do our houses really seem to belong to our contemporary times? Do they have the same technological content of all the other tools that we use nowadays such as smartphones and the latest car models? The answer is definitively not.

      Arch. Joseph Di Pasquale

  • 2014
    • Pop-Up Hotel EXPO 2015: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

      La necessità di relazionare ed aggregare le singole unità abitative comporta la necessità di pensare all’organismo edilizio come ad un sistema di sistemi e sottosistemi, dove le “regole di interfaccia” devono equilibrare la semplicità di realizzazione e di montaggio del singolo elemento con la possibilità di avere una molteplicità e varietà di possibili combinazioni a la loro flessibilità di utilizzo.

      Arch. Joseph Di Pasquale

  • 2010
    • Milano Scalo Farini, New Density

      L'opera è il risultato del Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica 3 della Facoltà di Architettura e Società del Politecnico di Milano, A.A. 2009-2010

      Luigi Chiara, Joseph di Pasquale, Nicola Gallino