• "The most legitimate ambition is to promote a positive imaginary of living together that is capable of continually reinforcing itself through the prospect of common action." Daniel Innerarity, The New Public Space

  • Hybric Modular Architecture

    A new theoretical framework designed by Joseph di Pasquale to interpret the dynamic changes in housing behaviors.

  • Chorus Life

    A neighborhood housing campus in an ecosystem of integrated services based on “relational density".


The changing city needs a new residential experience.

PROXIMA CITY is not a single project, but a conceptual and design platform that aims to substantially evolve the living experience in urban contexts.

So far, it has played an important role in defining several projects that you will find here in the website, in different ways and degrees. The aim of PROXIMA CITY is in fact to be an ingredient that can be added to very different projects with a common purpose.

It is not impossible to think, and indeed it is desirable, that other designers in the future may join the PROXIMA CITY platform to develop their projects in the same direction.


Co-inventing Doria: the project proposal in the center of Milan.

Winner of the international call for tenders "Reinventing Cities" launched by the City of Milan and C40, this new hostel opens up to innovative urban sociality in the relevant frame of Viale Doria, Milano.

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Proxima via Serio: I am my urban community.

Transforming the city into a low-emissive and resilient organism would be possibile by looking beyond an exclusively technological approach and considering the impact of human behavior.

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Proxima City Crescenzago: a responsive behavior housing infrastructure.

This project, the most influenced by the Proxima City platform, bases its social, environmental, and energy sustainability goals on the strategic synergy between human behavior and technology.

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Chorus Life: a world that could bring generations together.

Conceived as "the city of the future that you can live in today”, Chorus Life proposes a new understanding of sustainability based on human behavior. The construction will be finished by 2022 in Bergamo, Italy.

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Hybrid Modular Architecture: Joseph Di Pasquale's 5-year research aims to define a reference scenario for innovation in building construction.

Joseph Di Pasquale

Founder of JDP Architects studio.

Chief Architect and academic scholar in Architetture Technology.

Urban Designer with international experience and awards.

Personal interest as movie maker, screenplayer, and director.

  1. 2016 - present

    PhD research: Hybrid Modular System for Emerging Housing

    Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan
  2. 2006 - present

    International professional practice

    Europe and Asia
  3. 2005-2012

    Contract Professor in Architecture Technology

    Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan
  4. 2000-2001


    New York Film Academy, NY
  5. 1985-1991

    Architecture Magna Cum Laude

    Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan